
Chemical distributors

In 2022, the worldwide market for chemical distribution was estimated at USD 247.02 billion and is anticipated to see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.0% from 2023 to 2032. With sustainable products creating a new $200 billion opportunity, chemical distributors are perfectly placed to enable the sustainable transition driven by data and trust with seamless PCF Data Exchange.

Chemical distributors

Our Solutions


Secure data sharing

The traditional method of data sharing over email can compromise the confidentiality of business data. Carboledger is a 100% secure platform where you maintain full ownership of your data and manage stakeholders who have external access.

Easy onboarding and integration

Carboledger enables fast onboarding using our data import models that integrate with carbon accounting, life cycle analysis, ERP and CRM software. We promise a deployment time of less than 2 weeks for large enterprises.

Data interoperability

Carboledger enables integrations with your customer's ERP system to ensure seamless access for your customers to your information. Your customers can now automate Scope 3 emissions accounting using data shared on Carboledger.

Customer relationship management

Customer demand for granular carbon footprint data is growing exponentially. Carboledger streamlines the process of data exchange, ensuring minimal resource expenditure to meet customer demands and showcase sustainability progress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Carboledger is a platform where enterprises can share their standardized product carbon footprint data with their customers. Our secure platform helps enterprises be transparent with their product carbon data while maintaining full control over data confidentiality.

You can start sharing your PCF data today. Click here to schedule demo.

Yes, you can share the PCF data of all your products with all your customers, whether or not they are on the Carboledger platform.

You can Share your PCF Data securely with any of your customers, even when they are not on the Carboledger platform.

You just need to know the email address of the customer to share PCF data through Carboledger. Once the data is shared, there is a two-factor authentication at the customer’s end to verify the email address before they can access the data.

You can add data in any standard or bespoke format. The platform not only extracts the relevant information but also converts the data into a standard format for sharing with customers.

If you are entering data directly into Carboledger, there are fields based on ISO, TfS, and PACT. However, if you are uploading a calculation file, there is no prescribed format.

You can share data in any bespoke data format that the customer has asked for, or you can share the data in one of the standard formats available within Carboledger, such as ISO, TfS, WBCSD PACT, and others.

Carboledger platform is compliant and certified for global data security measures. You can rest assured that your business data is 100% safe. It is so safe that even Carboledger cannot see it. Only those email addresses to whom you have provided access to the data by sharing will be able to see the data. This access is limited for a specified duration if you choose.

Yes, you can. Just as Carboledger platform can be used to share data with your customers, you can equally well request PCF data from your suppliers through the platform.