Streamlining data management and traceability with ISCC Compliance

ISCC leverages certification as a tool to promote greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and establish sustainable production practices. Explore how you can simplify your ISCC compliance efforts by enabling traceability within the supply chain.


What is ISCC?

The International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) is a sustainability certification system covering a broad spectrum of sustainable feedstocks, encompassing agricultural and forestry biomass, biogenic waste and residues, circular materials, and renewable resources. With over 9,000 valid certificates issued across more than 130 countries, ISCC ranks among the world's largest certification systems. Developed through a collaborative multi-stakeholder process, ISCC is overseen by an association boasting over 250 members, including research institutions and NGOs.

The six ISCC principles


ISCC Principle 1

Principle 1 specifies areas which are excluded from any kind of biomass production and areas which can only be used for biomass production if their status does not change or if restrictions are followed.

ISCC Principle 2

Principle 2 promotes the application of good agricultural practices, covers the areas of soil, air, water and waste, and sets requirements to prevent the contamination, degradation and depletion of the environment due to agricultural and forestry production

ISCC Principle 3

Principle 3 defines safe working conditions including health, safety and hygiene policies, the training and competence of workers, the use of protective clothing and procedures in case of accidents and thereby ensures workers' health and safety.

ISCC Principle 4

Principle 4 specifies social standards covering requirements for rural and social development, the rights of workers and local communities, based on but not limited to the core labour standards, defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO), which form ISCC's basis of the human and labour rights criteria in its standard.

ISCC Principle 5

Principle 5 requires that all biomass production shall take place in compliance with applicable regional and national laws and shall follow international treaties.

ISCC Principle 6

Principle 6 describes the requirements of good management practices on farms and plantations and measures for continuous improvement.

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